Science » Environmental Science

Environmental Science

The Lorax Project. This site raises awareness of environmental issues and helps children to take action to conserve forests and species.
climate kids

Climate Kids offers kids clear answers to questions on global climate change through sections on weather, air, the ocean, fresh water, carbon, energy, plants and animals and technology. Includes educational games, activities, crafts, videos and information on green careers.

weather wiz
Weather Wiz Kids. A veritable wealth of weather information that includes a glossary, terms, jokes, experiments, folklore, an "ask" section, and even access to Doppler sites, hurricane tracking charts, and charts for wind chill, heat index, and temperature conversions.
Eco Kids Online. Discover cool things about science and nature, wildlife, environmental issues and more through games and activities
EPA Environmental Kids Club. What's the air quality index? How does the water cycle work? Find the answers to these questions, and many others related to pollution, global warming, and recycling, at this site from the Environmental Protection Agency.