Family Literacy Day

In celebration of Family Literacy Day here are some family activities from ABC Life Literacy Canada.
1. Sing it to Me: Play a song and then pause it. Ask your family to sing the next line – do they know it?
2. Pop-up Kitchen: Follow a recipe together – a yummy way to practice math and reading.
3. Reverso Story: Tell your favourite story, backwards – start with the ending. Can your family guess the story?
4. FGN: Start an FGN (Family Game Night) with your family and friends.
5. Tell it 2 me: Write a secret message with numbers and do math to solve it.
6. Eat your words: Play with your food and create letters with your alphabet cereal or soup!
7. Story Switch- A-Roo: Take turns reading a book together, everybody reads one line.
8. WOW Palindromes: Find words that are spelled the same way forwards and backwards. Home many can you find? Some to get you started: wow, mom, dad, radar.
9. Word Dynamo: Each person must say a word that starts with the last letter of the word before it. Apple – eat – tidy – year for example.
10. Watch a book: Read a book and then watch the movie together. Talk about which you version you liked better.
11. Alphabet Game: One person starts with the letter A and says a word that starts with A. The next person would have a word that starts with B and so on. Variations of the game include having to say all the words that were said before you. If you are letter E, you must say the words that were used before you. You can also pick a specific theme to make it more challenging. For example: fruits and vegetables or animals.
Have fun!